Friday 16 December 2011


What is wrong with love?
Is it meant to be this tough?
Why can'nt there be one soul for everyone?
Why does it ruin our hearts condition?
Is it wrong to hurt?
Why are feelings not returned?
Why is our heart stuck in quicksand?
Sinking into nothingness;And
the surface nowhere in sight
Even when we try to pull out with all our might
Why do feelings swing like a pendalum?
Never steady always with that low hum
Why doees our heart fall in the same trap again?
Why is everyone after material gain?
Why doesn't loneliness bring happiness?
Is the world one big trap of darkness?
How thin is the line between good and bad?
When will everyone in the world stop being sad?
Why didn't the heart come with an outer coating?
Why is it everyday the cold we're braving?
Most of all when will these questions end?
It's when we'll stop this pretence,
Bring a smile on our lips
And with this welcome eternal bliss.

1 comment:

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